This is what I found in the dictionary
STOOPID: Anything that the GB says.
the november 1st public wt has an article on "do you need to learn hebrew and greek?
" funny is it not that they feel we do not need too.
anywho on page 21 of said wt.
i hold in my hand the nov. awake magazine entitled "technology - blessing or curse?"..
now, i understand the need for balance and moderation in using technology, as the magazine says - but could they come up with a more intelligent sounding title?
it makes the question sound as if abandoning technology might be a solution, a considered choice, a real possibility.
not sure if this was caught on in your cong or not, but now our service overseers text everyone in their group for their field service time.. now i understand that texting and email are good tools, i use them everyday.
but how impersonal can you be.
espicially when it comes to "life saving work".
Funny how they same to embrace some modern facets of society like texting, which is harmless, and rage against technologies such as the Internet, which is a potential death blow to them........I can see the next Awake issue..
Text Messaging...Will it Survive Paradise on Earth?
the time left always seems to be reduced but it never runs out.. here is the program for the 2010 special assembly day.
the time left is reduced.
(1 corinthians 7:29).
It's been over 20 years since I was forced to attend one of these horrors and it hasn't changed at all; well, except I'm 40 (which wasn't supposed to happen) and this "system of things" is still around, which was supposed to happen either. I feel like I want to chuck
my dad visited recently and somehow we got on the subject of assemblies.
he's been in the truth 37 years and figured he'd been to 3 assemblies a year.
that meant he had been to 111 assemblies in his life!
My mother was raised as a JW (still is) and when she was a child they had 8 DAY ASSEMBLIES and Yankee Stadium. As if that wasn't torture enough, they lasted from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. That was the 50s and early 60s, I think. I remember them being Wed to Sun, then Thurs to Sun, the Fri, Sat and Sun. I think they realised that people actually had to work.
I am wondering if they were still 8 days and 12 hours long what the hell they'd talk about with repeating themselves over and over.
is he what you expected?
any second thoughts?
i remember my husband giving the "nakata" talk for years..
Grab the barf bag!
I am sure this is one of those made up stories to make everyone feel guilty.
i have a few which still either anger me, make me sad or just make me grateful that i am no longer one of them.
1 - "well, everyone is going to die anyway, so if it at armageddon then ce la vie" 2 - "the disater today at the world trade centre is sad, but exciting" 3 - (an elder) "when armageddon happens, i want to be at a window, watching it all".
sick, sick, sick!
Sorry about that last one.....
Last year my mother was really sick with microscopic colitis. A nurse had to come to her house to put an IV in her since she hadn't eaten in weeks. She was weak and tired. An elder came to see her. I sat there as he got in Bible out and read a scripture (can't remember which one) about Jehovah testing us.
I asked him, "So this is a test of my mother?"
"Yes," he replied. "But Jehovah doesn't test beyond what we can bear." She was near death in my opinion.
I asked him, "Perhaps you can ask him to lay off a bit. She's had enough testing for now," to which he said, "you're not a believer, are you?"
I think he is quite possibly the smartest man I've ever met.
i have a few which still either anger me, make me sad or just make me grateful that i am no longer one of them.
1 - "well, everyone is going to die anyway, so if it at armageddon then ce la vie" 2 - "the disater today at the world trade centre is sad, but exciting" 3 - (an elder) "when armageddon happens, i want to be at a window, watching it all".
sick, sick, sick!
earlier when i tried to bring up this website i kept getting the "oops!
broken link" page.. i tried others ways in, like pulling up key words through search engines and also tried to link from pages on freeminds.. then i would get "page not found".. was jwn off the air for awhile?.
do i have a computer glitch?.